Machinist/Engineering terms


Sep 3, 2020
I've heard the word "boss" thrown around from time to time. Today I looked it up for the first time. I had no idea of it's specific definition. Basically a protrusion in a part. Can be formed or machined. The short version.....

What are other terms that machinist use a lot that most folks would not understand if they didn't specifically look it up?

One I should go look up....journal. How does that differ from a shaft? Off to look it up!

ETA: The part of the shaft that contacts the bearing? That's what I found. Lol

What are some terms that could help a self taught dullard like me sound smarter in conversation? :grin:
Arbor is a shaft or spindle for holding cutting tools. I'm sure I've used that wrong a few times.

mandrel, cylinder, usually steel, used to support a partly machined workpiece while it is being finished
A boss is also the guy who prods you to work faster and bawl you out when you screw up ---
Ive found that once you get past a certain point in your career the opposite is true.

Terms we use in the shop:


Just like with your nose, a bit of a machined part that stays attached even though it is not wanted or does not belong there.

7th year apprentice

The guy in the shop that will never get it right no matter how long he works there.

Fixing the **** out of it.

When someone fixes something in a bastardized way due to lack of knowledge or care. Use case: Jim really fixed the **** out of that assembly, we better start making a new one.

Damn GRAVITY!!!!

Said out of exasperation when some tool you're using falls off of the work area. Often accompanied by the Tech/Toolmaker/Mechanic individually sweeping/flicking every other thing laying about onto the floor in an effort to relieve his frustration through comic relief.

Ill probably remember more, but that's all I got for now.
Ive found that once you get past a certain point in your career the opposite is true.

Terms we use in the shop:


Just like with your nose, a bit of a machined part that stays attached even though it is not wanted or does not belong there.

7th year apprentice

The guy in the shop that will never get it right no matter how long he works there.

Fixing the **** out of it.

When someone fixes something in a bastardized way due to lack of knowledge or care. Use case: Jim really fixed the **** out of that assembly, we better start making a new one.

Damn GRAVITY!!!!

Said out of exasperation when some tool you're using falls off of the work area. Often accompanied by the Tech/Toolmaker/Mechanic individually sweeping/flicking every other thing laying about onto the floor in an effort to relieve his frustration through comic relief.

Ill probably remember more, but that's all I got for now.
Well done! :grin: