Mag base has two useful sides


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jul 28, 2017
Recently I Iearned something new about mag bases, the kind used to hold a DI or DTI. They have TWO sides that have a switchable magnetic field. Probably obvious to most, but worth mentioning. That can make it easier to set up a DI for a particular measurement -- it seems I often run into a situation where using the obvious hold-down face requires a lot of fiddling around with the DI, or the only usable setup has the dial facing away from me.

Regarding DI's, it also can be handy to know that the dial back can be removed and rotated to accommodate an otherwise awkward setup.
True, that. Never hurts to mention, I'm sure it's news to some. Mike
Welcome news to me as I never seem to have an easy setup for indicators. 100% sure it's user error. :oops: