Mit DRO on FTV-1


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 21, 2020
When Installing the Mitutoyo quill DRO on my FTV-1, I found it pretty much impossible to get a completely stress free install with the Mit supplied mounting bracket. The bracket hit the underside of the switch housing casting before the quill stop made it to the very top of it's travel. So, I milled off .150" from the top of the mounting block on the back of the read head, and lopped off the top of the bracket. Then used the switch cover as the top mounting point, and shimmed the lower end of the bracket, until the scale was parallel to the quill. Like any other DRO scale, it needs to be stress free, and parallel to the axis of travel. Once that was all good, it was checked with Jo-blocks at 1",2",3" and 4", and reads with in + or - one count of the least significant digit, which is .0005". Can't ask for much more than that. Just wish the display and the buttons were bigger.