Motorized Rotary Table

Soft aluminum jaws installed on your lathe chuck and bore to depth if you have removable top jaws. Or make a spider which is just a spacer of appropriate thickness to space your parts out to the tips of the jaws.

We ran these parts last week on the mill with a 3 jaw chuck on the rotary table. Came out great! I didn't want the students using the lathe so that is why I stayed with the mill. If they were machinist students that would have been different, but these are future electrical engineers...that's all I will say about that. Used a cordless drill to turn the table so all they had to do was drop in the plate, tighten the chuck and squeeze the trigger. They managed that fairly well. On average it took about 2 minutes to run a part, so I was happy with 2 days of work , and only lost 2 discs due to a stop on the x-axis mysteriously moving during lunch one day. (mystery was solved and culprit fired...well sent to the Dean of Engineering anyway)

Thanks for all the suggestions folks, thats why I hang out here instead of those other places.