My alternative to Mitutoyo calipers


Active User
Apr 19, 2011
Based on your recommendation I just bought a pair.
That's the model I use in my shop. I have 2 pair.
I have 3 of them along with the Mitutoyo's. Very good quality and great value.

Will the digital readout still work after 30-40 years of use like my analog dial version?
Mitch, I paid 16$ for the one and $25 for the other. if/when they die, I'll replace them. THey go from a lifelong investment to a consumable, is all. They both are more accurate than my Mitutoyo vernier - but that one I'll neve need batteries for. It is a personal choice.
I'd just ordered from the kink you posted and I've already got a notice it shipped with a tracking number.
It's not clear to me that the iGaging has "absolute" capability, so you don't have to reset zero after every on/off cycle. Can you verify that it does or doesn't? This is a big convenience and why so far I prefer the Mitutoyo.

I found these for a little more and they are absolute and IP54 rated.
