My extruder drive died....


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2019
My MKS Gen L V1.0 motherboard has stopped working on the E0 output. I have tried the driver in another location and it is fine, I have tried switching steppers and they are all fine. All that is left is the mother board. So now the question, is there a way to set up the motherboard to send all of the extruder commands to the currently unused E1 port. Or is that something I would have to set up in Cura telling it that I have a dual extruder and to use the other extruder??
I was looking at the MKS Robin Nano V3 from TEVOUP. Or is there a different direction I should be looking?
Your printer firmware has a parameter that tells it what pins to use for the extruder, and right now it's set to what ever E0 is using. You're probably using Marlin, which I don't remember very well ( I use Klipper), but you should find plenty of info on the web on how to change it.
Keep in mind that most firmwares will not allow the extruder stepper to move unless the hotend reaches a certain temperature.
Does your printer have a user group that you can post this question to?

Yes there is a users group and someone posted the exact lines in the firmware that needed to be edited, but for some reason the compiler software will not run correctly on my puter. Still working on figuring that out.
My brother is a software engineer (knows absolutely nothing about machines like a 3D printer) and looked at the source code and fixed something that allowed it to compile on his puter, I am still making changes to try to duplicate his results.

I am great with mechanical things but could not code my way out of a wet paper bag.
I finally got it back running last night.
I ended up getting a new main board and all new TMC2209 drivers.
It is printing a calibration plot now.
With the new drivers all of the steppers were running backwards, I had to go into the config.h file and find the direction controls to reverse all of them.
It is well known that these drivers make the steppers quieter than the stock ones, But WOW, This thing is now dead silent while printing. I like it.