My first real paying job (kind-of)


Active User
May 6, 2014
A friend at work does some work with high end mountain bikes. I mentioned that I just put together a small machine shop and he asked if I could make a few parts for him. I was looking for something to practice on so we settled on a price of $50 plus material cost for the whole thing. It was a fun project; mainly turning on the lathe. I even got to do some threading (right and left hand!). I polished up the parts (aluminum) with Mothers mag wheel polish. It took me several hours for the whole job (I'm pretty new to machining so I'm slowish). It was fun. I think my friend feels bad that he is getting the parts so cheap, so he volunteered to buy me a machinists handbook (I need one so I didn't decline :) )
(The large cylinder in the photo was given to me to test the fit of the end pieces.)

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Looks good and you may get more work from him.
A good friend who recognized that you did a nice job
and got you a Machinist Handbook :thumbzup3:
Don't feel bad that it took you a few hours. Doing something one off always takes longer. Especially threading and cutting precision fits. Nice job!
Good work and really nice polish! May I ask what the parts are used for?
Thanks all! The main sleeve goes into the hole at the bottom of the bike (where the pedals go in) I don't know much more than that- my friend gave me drawings and I made the parts to that.

Again, it was fun and he surprised me by paying me more than we had agreed to (like a bonus!). He does want me to do more stuff for him in the future.

sweet work, plus a bonus i'd say you did great!!!

sometimes the work is more satisfying than the pay.
thanks for sharing
Nice work! Kinda cool to get paid for you fun, isn't it?

As for polishing, do yourself a favor and buy a HF 6" polisher. You will drop that Mother's in the tra...Wait, you can use it with the polisher. Best $50 I've spent.