My wife and I caught the bug- Yeah, that one


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
Last Tuesday my wife woke up with a scratchy throat. Throughout the day she started coughing and just feeling punky.
Wednesday morning I joined in.
No fever, just low energy and a tight chest- cough and scratchy throat.
She did the home test= positive for Covid.

We were hoping to avoid this thing. We have had all four boosters so hopefully this darn bug won’t hang around long.
Her doctor said to call if she tested positive. I guess there is some prescription that is supposed to help. She is picking it up in a few minutes.
I’m going to start it as she is feeling much better. I guess it couldn’t hurt?
It's like an ocean wave, everybody's gonna get wet. Speedy recovery....
Hope it passes soon for you both. My wife came home sick a few days ago after 6wks doing feild work in three states. She took the quick test and is negative, no symptoms for me so far. Mike
The wife brought it home from a shopping trip a little over a month ago. Between it and the bacterial infection that followed, she was out for three weeks. Lots of drugs, trips to the quack, and a long drawn out recovery. I came down sick three days after she did. Didn't bother with the doc or a test. Just treated it like any other bout of the flu with rest and warmth. No drugs. I was over it in three days.
Wife came down with Covid about 2 months ago, similar symptoms for about 2 days, started on Paxlovid and withing 24 hours symptoms subsided quickly, and she felt fine after a week. I didn't take any particular precautions, figured it was too late anyway, but did not come down with any symptoms or test positive. Would recommend the Paxlovid if one is older and/or has any medical risk factors, starting sooner is better. Covid symptoms can come back after stopping the 5 day treatment, assume this is because the virus is still lingering.
The same thing happened for us. The wife went to Brimfield Mass for the antique shows/sales and came home with it, Then she shared it with me. The doc tested and confirmed she was positive for Covid. I just toughed it out for 3 days and slowly got better.