Mystery milling mount

Here is another version this came from my 1B parts accessory manual. but somewhere I saw that style you have, thinking maybe they had a couple of versions, a lot of things are revised later, my book may be 10 yrs newer that the mill. Like Ford truck parts they revise things yearly nightmare.

looks like a trav a dial to me- u dog sam got extra collets ????????? sam

7-1-2013 8;43;32 AM.jpg 7-1-2013 8;41;48 AM.jpg
9453 wins the prize. YAYYY

Daryl, check with Polar Tool or Tried and True Tool and I bet you can buy a Travel Dial cheap. Unless your planning on mounting a DRO sometime. I was kidding about the Flismo....LOL or what ever I called it..LOL Rich
9453 wins the prize. YAYYY

Daryl, check with Polar Tool or Tried and True Tool and I bet you can buy a Travel Dial cheap. Unless your planning on mounting a DRO sometime. I was kidding about the Flismo....LOL or what ever I called it..LOL Rich

I completely bought the FLISMO concept, as Lataurd writes about inattentive NOOBS. Never used a DRO. I expect that DRO is where I'd like to end up. It depends on what a Trav-a-dial runs. I'll give Tried a call!

Thank you,
Uglydog thanks for the link lots of good info and half the page isn't missing like most others that I've found. And also a big Thank you to CincinnatiJA for the great quality download.