need ideas for cleaning files

Contact Boggs Tool Inc. Harry can help you out.
Phone 562 634 1081 or visit his web site. I think he is 4th generation owner.
Another recommendation for Boggs. I collected an assortment of about 25 yard sale/flea market files, sent them to Boggs and they inspected and sharpened them all, but those that were nearing, or were at the end of their life, were returned with their tangs dipped in red dye which means they can't be resharpened (but are still usable). And the exceptional thing is that there is no charge for the red-tang files. The sharpened files (about 15 of them) are as sharp-- if not a little sharper-- than new. Excellent customer service, money well spent, and a large USPS Priority Mail box makes shipping affordable.
Once you get your files clean and sharp again it might be worthwhile to coat them with tapping fluid before using them on gummy material.
Tapping fluid is very effective to keep aluminum from gumming up a file and the file seems to cut better on any metal.
I regularly clean my files with a brass brush, if that won't push the crap out, I use a stick of hardwood, the file eventually cuts grooves in the wood and the crud gets pushed out. Very nice trick!

Another vote for copper tubing. Flatten the end and rub with the 'grain'. It will form to the teeth.