NEVER the right tool!

The right tool? Half the time I don't even seem to have the optimum drill bit for the hole I'm cutting.
I live with this the addiction!!!! It's a real struggle I sometimes think a drug habit would be cheaper. I've been a single father of 2 for the last 3 years just recently started dating an a amazing woman but man does she get into my shop time!!!!! Just what I've spent on dates the last few months I could have bought the dro I've been to cheap to buy or the indexer I've been putting off.
I live with this the addiction!!!! It's a real struggle I sometimes think a drug habit would be cheaper. I've been a single father of 2 for the last 3 years just recently started dating an a amazing woman but man does she get into my shop time!!!!! Just what I've spent on dates the last few months I could have bought the dro I've been to cheap to buy or the indexer I've been putting off.
You're doing it wrong! :D You have to find a woman that's also a machinist. Think about it. You can be on a date AND still have shop time. Not only that but if things get serious, you can also inherit her tools! :grin big: What could be better than getting your girlfriend the grinder she always wanted for Christmas. Maybe and engagement shaper? Don't worry though, plenty of us on here have made the same mistake. Check into it. Maybe they have a dating site for machinist? "you don't have to be lonely at machinist only dot com". :big grin:
My problem for years has been that nobody makes the tool I need. And now that I have enough machine tools I can make the right tool. This doesn't work if I'm in a hurry of course, but if I have time to plan ahead it really pays off. Especially when it's a job that my wife is in on. She's been around for enough of those that she never questions my TAS(tool acquisition syndrome) anymore. Now fasteners and plumbing.....don't get me started.:mad:
You're doing it wrong! :D You have to find a woman that's also a machinist. Think about it. You can be on a date AND still have shop time. Not only that but if things get serious, you can also inherit her tools! :grin big: What could be better than getting your girlfriend the grinder she always wanted for Christmas. Maybe and engagement shaper? Don't worry though, plenty of us on here have made the same mistake. Check into it. Maybe they have a dating site for machinist? "you don't have to be lonely at machinist only dot com". :big grin:
Bwhahaha I live in a small pond!!!!! And she's definitely the good looking one in the relationship lol
I'm about to turn 56, and I inherited all of my Dad's tools, and he was a mechanic as a kid and continued to do all of his own auto work and carpentry until he died. On top of all my own tools, I still have to buy more. My wife slowly learned the value of having the right tool for the job, and she doesn't even question it anymore. :)

edit: Mini rant here. And all his old Craftsman tools are high quality and still going strong while most of the craftsman tools I bought are barely worth using. :mad:

CRaftsman tools suck. Especially their screwdrivers. Worthless. That hate me when I walk in the door, usually to bring back a bag full of screwdrivers. I replaced about 10 one day. Got home and broken one of the new ones on the first use............. To make matters worse, they tried to tell me that I could only bring in 5 per day. I told them I lived 100 miles round trip and that an "unlimited lifetime warranty" was UNLIMITED. The young guy that was working behind the counter just couldn't seem to understand that