New/old lathe L1 chuck removal question


Jul 14, 2021
so I have this 57-year-old 1460. just finished setting it up, servicing, cleaning etc. went to remove the 3 jaw and ran into a snag. I spent 4 years or so with my 9" SB model A, but this has an L1 spindle nose. it came with the original spanner wrench (actually 2 of them). I put the machine in low gear, had to tap the wrench with my lead hammer and the big nut came loose. lefty loosey. it spins freely about 1 turn then stops turning. should I just whack it (the wrench) with the hammer again? not sure and I don't want to mess this up. thanks.
Are you sure the spindle size is L1? That's fairly large for only a 14" lathe. My 13x 56 Sheldon only has an L00 spindle. Here's a link to a chart showing the specifications for all the L series spindles.

Are you sure the spindle size is L1? That's fairly large for only a 14" lathe. My 13x 56 Sheldon only has an L00 spindle. Here's a link to a chart showing the specifications for all the L series spindles.

everything about this machine is big for a 14" lathe.
everything I read online says they were made by Mazak. this one came out of the Florida State University Chemistry and Biochemistry research laboratory. I'm the 2nd owner, 57 years later.
Are you sure the spindle size is L1? That's fairly large for only a 14" lathe. My 13x 56 Sheldon only has an L00 spindle. Here's a link to a chart showing the specifications for all the L series spindles.

My 12" Hendey has an L1 spindle...

I agree... that's a big spindle nose for a 12" lathe, but it's a massively overbuilt machine...
