Nixie Mania - an unbelievable passion.

I've recently become interested in Nixie tubes and was sorry to hear that they are no longer manufactured. So I went online to see if anyone has ever attempted to make a homemade Nixie tube. I actually found a few videos where people have attempted this. Although none of them seemed to have much luck. Then I ran across this fellow. His operation is absolutely amazing. It's incredible to see someone dedicating so much effort to recreating an antiquated technology. He makes some really nice large Nixie tubes and even sells them for $145 a piece.

It just amazes me that there are people out there who basically dedicate their entire lives to clinging to past technologies. This guy must have a fortune in equipment. And if you've ever run a lathe (and I'm sure you all have) it's got to drive you somewhat insane watching him work with such delicate glass on a large lathe.

He describes everything he does in the very fine print at the lower right-hand corner of the video. It's just amazing that someone has such dedication to something like a Nixie tube.

Here's a link to his website where you can buy a Nixie tube for $145 if you are so inclined. Or a whole Nixie clock for $1600

Nixie Clocks at DaliborFarny
I have a bucket full of Nixie tubes, probably around fifty. They are Burroughs B 5092-A tubes, viewed from end of the tube. If anyone wants to go that route, they can be had for the cost of shipping. I also have sockets available. The sockets are in pcb's and would need to be removed.
RJ, I'd love to have them as I am into retro technologies. I'm remodeling my home with an antiqued look. I'd send you a PM but I don't see a way to send you a PM.
Decades ago, when I was in electronics trade school, I purchased a car load of electronic equipment, including oscilloscopes, multi-meters, tube testers, parts cabinets, etc. invaluable for a student. Among the loot was an old multi-digit frequency counter in perfect working order, with nixie tube readouts. I was mesmerized by the nixie tubes, but not as much as the LED 7-segment readouts that were new at the time.

I kept all the solid state tools and materials and sold off the "antique" tube related stuff. Wish I still had the nixie tube frequency counter!
He had to come up with that process to make those tubes as well as the equipment. Amazing!