not too stinky but will unsticky a new machine


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 13, 2013
Is there anything that will cut the cosmoline/gooey-waxy grease on a new machine that doesn't eat paint or stink to high heavens? I need to ungoo a benchlathe indoors.
Is there anything that will cut the cosmoline/gooey-waxy grease on a new machine that doesn't eat paint or stink to high heavens? I need to ungoo a benchlathe indoors.

They make an odorless mineral spirits. That's what I used.
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That was my first thought, I just didn't know if that would cut the goo. Sweet. any others?
Nope. Everything else that I can think of either is gassy or uses water.
When you are cleaning the grease off, capture the run off and continue reusing the stuff. Use clean stuff for final cleaning.

If using diesel, buy it before the next storm drives the price up even more!
Can we assume that you bought a new lathe? If so, disregard the PM I sent today and.........Congratulations!!!!!

I was lucky enough that all my machines have come un-gunked, but while I was looking I read a lot about removing the mysterious red sludge. Best advice I heard was to scrape as much off as possible with little scrapers made out of cardboard. Once you get that, hit it with paper towels (dry), then move onto the solvent. WD-40 worked well on the smaller parts I got that were coated in it.
+1 with Gary on the Mineral spirits. And a cheap paint/chip brush. Just remember whatever you use to remove the grease with, you need to also need to be able to wipe off without residue.
I bought a gallon of WD-40 to clean my mini-lathe when I ordered it, and then found that they had changed to a heavy oil. The WD-40 worked great on that, too... but it's a bit pricey.