OK guys, a new Whatisit...


Active User
Mar 1, 2011
Here's a little gizmo I found, I just don't know what it is. It's about 8" wide, 6" deep and 6" tall, I didn't actually measure it, just going on guesstimates there. The circular piece fits nicely into the cube, and can rotate 360d, but has a pin that fits into 4 small grooves for 90d breaks. The cube itself wil swing 30d both ways on an arc for and aft.
My initial thought was maybe a fixturing devise for a T&C grinder; but hope someone will recognize it and spill the beans.
Thanks guys.

I don't know what it is Bob but it would have followed me home also if I had found it.

looks like one of the leveling pads from under a highway overpass lol
with only 4 positions and no t-slots or bolt holes i have no clue
No idea, but it would look really nice if it was beadblasted, painted, and had the circular top plate and the scale on the side polished.

It'd probably sell for a couple of hundred bucks if you did that and put it on eBay! :whistle:

It looks like a part is missing on top. It could be some kind of fixture for grinding. If you could find a name on it then look it up that would help.
I have a some what similar item of plant residing under my drilling machine bench, Mines was a rotary tilting sub table from an engraving machine,, The purpose it was used for was engraving the numbering on machine dials etc.
Don't know what it was originally, but I would use it on a drill press for setting angled hole or on a mill for angled surface milling. either way it looks pretty neat and I too would love to know exactly what is was originally.