Old growth pine ahhh the smell.


Nov 25, 2015
I got some shelves off a freecycler a few years ago. I needed to retune the Delta Drum sander that I got. Well to test the sander's adjustments I played with stripping the finish off this pine. It looks like beetle kill pine since it has a blue tinge to it. After hitting the edge with a handplane the smell of the pine wafted into the air... years later, it feels very resinous in one area. But look at that close grain ... you don't see that much anymore. Nostalgic.. brings me back to when I was a kid, working on projects with my dad.
I love pine , but nothing beats a good piece of Ash . ( from what I hear and it wouldn't make a difference to me ) . :confused: Nice looking wood though . :encourage:
I haven't touched these to see if they have that great smell nor if Douglas Fir even does smell.
But speaking of old lumber, I got these bar clamps recently and really like the close grained, old growth 2X4s.
I have no use for them so I put them on CL yesterday.
I have no clue as to their value but maybe someone will make me an offer.
