Old School

You might be Old School if you made blackpowder from your chemistry set then used it to blow up trees in the woods.
You might be old school if you programmed in Fortran using punch cards


Well, I also used punch cards, but I was doing mathematical algorithms in base 8 (octal) machine language on a mainframe. And to think I actually enjoyed that! ;)
You might be Old School if you made blackpowder from your chemistry set then used it to blow up trees in the woods.

I got curious/bored with my super fold-out chemistry set and ended up with some concoction that was getting REAL hot in the beaker so I poured it down the sink in the bathroom. It ate a hole in the trap under the sink. And I was grounded for a month... :(
NO trees around so I would use cinder block walls. Can't remember the name of it but there was a chemical that use to put in a jar, then put wax paper, with a pin hole and put glycerin on top, srew on the lid place in a cinder blocks and run. Would make one explosion with fire etc. Got in trouble with that one a few times. Kept getting my stuff confiscated and would have to give them time to cool down before I would get them back.
You might be Old School if you remember "What evil lurks in the hearts of men"
Or the first movie you saw was 5 cents and was Down to the sea in ships. And you also lived in the town /City it was made in.

Or "Say goodnight Gracie"

Or Miss Betty, would you get me 442 (phone)

Or when they first came out with the Cox 040

Or you remember the actual VE day. :encourage:
Bought a new tool box, when migrating from the old one I keep finding old school tools, have 2 sets of Starrett tool makers buttons in pristine shape, anyone that wants them they are free plus postage, I know that collectors like these type of tools.

This is not an Ad just an offer of antique tools for "free" (Postage). I have no use for them, the next time that they are moved will be to the scrap bin.

I dislike scrapping tools even those that will never be used.

I also have sent a PM, if a set is still available.
You might be Old School if you used a slingshot to kill robins in the backyard which your mother would breast out and cook with polenta for dinner.
That reminds me, I have about four dozen of dove breast meat in the freezer I need to pull out and fix from last bird hunt.:)
I built a Heathkit LED alarm clock back in about 73. It finally gave up the ghost about 5 years ago. And I remember Spin and Marty, the Hardy Boys, and Annette and Darlene! Woo-hoo!
One of my blackpowder "experiments" ended up almost burning the house down. The fire department came and took care of it. Minor damage to the house. Major damage to my backside from the Old Man's belt. I deserved it.
You might be Old School if you made blackpowder from your chemistry set then used it to blow up trees in the woods.

Doggone, at least I wasn't the only one that tried that. Mine didn't work so well though. I didn't realize that making it was actually a wet process which brought the various elements together properly. My dry process created a compound that worked great for making sparks, but wasn't worth a darn for anything else. Then again, I probably didn't have the ratios correct either as I was just going on guesswork.