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We do not profit from any of your posted materials on this site. This site is owned by a Not-for-Profit Corporation, with consent from the NYS Department of Education. This site is a strictly not-for-profit, non-commercial, educational site, and subject to the "fair use" doctrine of copyright law (17 USC §107 -http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html). All information is part of the public domain. Your posted threads, posts, projects, drawings, photographs, techniques, and tips will not be sold to anyone by us for profit. Your posted materials remain your property. By posting, you agree to permit and license us without limitation to use and display them on the site, and you agree not to remove them, or render them unusable. You agree not to delete or disable the photos, drawings or posts should you leave the site, be asked to leave, or be removed. Other than the above license, your postings belong to you, to share as you see fit with others.