PayPal and supporting Hobby Machinist related issues

bottom line
1. I will not link my bank account to paypal.
2. i will not spend my time worrying about transaction being denied because of #1.

#2 is what happened to me causing me to fire them as my go to online payment system and i have successfully managed to not use them until HM caused me to backslide.
Thanks HM!
If Hobby Machinist can’t take a credit card don’t complain about someone not contributing. For the life of me I can not understand why I have to join PayPal to support this site. Your loss
Even those who don't donate still contribute with their knowledge and experience @Nutfarmer

There's quite a bit of overhead (both time and money) involved with setting up and maintaining a merchant account. PayPal takes much of the hassle away, although with a cost. Since this site is volunteer supported I understand the decision to standardize on one simple platform that many, if not most members are able to access.

Each individual (at least here in the US) has the right to manage their finances as they see fit. I'd love to see an alternative for those who choose not to use PayPal but it's not my place to judge either way.
