Peerless Shaper Followed Me Home


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Sep 5, 2013
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Scooped a little 8" shaper yesterday, yay!

Made by Peerless out of Guelph, Ontario I believe. Not sure how old it is but seems to be in nice order. My buddy had to bail on me before we could unload, so the little girl is still stuck in my truck. I did manage to horse the stand off and into the shop by myself though, Egyptian-style with lots of skidding and dragging. The motor is pretty fudgy, but it's got a nice and original variable speed drive instead of a step pulley arrangement.

I'll put up a few more pics when we're off-loaded, but I know you guys want proof so here's a few for now. She's a bit camera shy still.

Awesome, what bait did you use to get it to follow you home? I have to assume you have the vise, too.

Congratulations! :encourage:

That looks like the perfect sized machine for a small shop.
I can't wait to see more of it!


PS, Wow your grass is dry out there!
Yup, dry is dry alright. Yesterday was the first real rain we've had since May. Even the dandelions die!

Anyhow, got the little thing off the truck. Considering it's only 33" stem to stern it's surprisingly heavy. Lots of iron, very little else. Unfortunately no vise with it, but I'm thinkin' I should be able to scare something up that would work. I'm in no hurry.

Threw a few pictures together for your enjoyment. It has been painted, and not very well at that, but whoever did it was kind enough to keep the original labels intact for the most part. I like that. The drive pulley is kind of different too -- it's made for a flat-bottom belt which I personally have never run across before. I do have the belt, by the way.

Anyone want to hazard a guess on age? I'm thinking mid to late 1940's maybe? Can't find much information on Peerless yet, but like I said I'm in no hurry. Enough talking, enjoy the pics. (Sorry it's still a bit crowded in the shop).


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That is sweet. I wish a shaper would follow me home. I think I would have to wander a few states away first.
Very nice well built machine. As far as age, thats a tough one. If it is flat belt, that puts it in a time period. After that
all shapers pretty well are related much the same. (they didn't get face lifts like cars every year.......
Probably in the 1940's when thousands used in subbed out war production, like mine came from
famous Paragon Marine Gear Works 3 miles from me (military contracts at that time) happy shaping
Nice find. I looked for years and found my SB 7" just 3 blocks from my house..Bob
Wish I new what kind of bait these guys use. Nice machine have fun with her.