Pi Day


Grumpy Gator

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Today is π day.A day to recognize the role math plays in our day to day lives.
Whooooo way too much to deal with this early in the morning.
Think I'll go have a piece of pie.
********Just Saying************>>Gator<<********
So today is pi day. If you missed the celebration at 9:26 this morning, you can catch it again at 9:26 this evening. A glass of champagne is probably more appropriate at that time anyway.
But a sobering thought: Pi has its day but what about e? e, as Euler's constant is known, 2.718281828459.... is arguably much more commonplace. It is found in nature in the growth of organisims; in normal distribution curves or bell curves,i.e, an IQ distribution; in gaming (the probability of never hitting the slots at the casino if you play forever is 1/e); and in a myriad of other ways. And even the noble pi can be expressed as a function of e.
Let's hear it for an e Day!
I hope your happy.There I was enjoying my π and here you come making me think.Going to take me some time to cypher out this "E" business.
I don't care what they say π are round not square.
******Just Saying*********Gator***********