Poof, I saw the Genie

I have had the same happen when I built my RPC 30 years ago. I tossed all my cheap Russian capacitors and replaced them with 440v capacitors. I have never had the problem again. But, yes, it sounds different when starting with a stationary rotor vs starting with a rotor that is moving.

I built my RPC with a timing relay. 30 years ago there was not the wealth of information on how to build an RPC that there is now so I could not figure out which potential relay to use back then.
Just to finalize this adventure, there was one wish granted by the Genie, the capacitor was the only casualty. Everything runs fine with a new one, so from now on I will not restart until the RPC stops turning. Thank you everyone. :encourage:
An interesting piece of helpful gear, I added three of these to my RPC to be able to monitor leg-leg voltage and current on all three legs:

Someone pointed out to me that the link in my earlier reply points to a reseller with contradictory labels, as in one of the pictures the label is backwards. Here's a better reseller link on Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B097MS3TZM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I think it's the same manufacturer, just a different reseller. They are available in a several different current ranges depending what you need.