Poppin cam


Mar 27, 2011
Anyone made this? Care to tell how you did it? I cant see a good way without resorting to layong out and trying to cut right to the lines. I'm sure I'm missing something.

Would you mind explaining what this topic is about? :create3:

Turn a disc (precision washer) 0.0470 thick .5000 diameter with a 0.3125 hole. Build a boss with a hold down disc for a rotary table, and mill the 0.300r to the tangent flats. Since only the 110 deg is given, the flats will need to be calculated from the ends of the 0.300r. It all happens in one grip on the rotary table.
Would it help to have all the angles and tangent points identified? I can sketch it up in ACAD and post it for you. That can all me machined, and only deburred and polished.
Tony, thanks for the advice and the offer. I guess the tangent points are what threw me off. I will draw it up myself, and plot it full size to make those points.

Poppin appears to be such a simple engine, but it has me scratching my head alot!
Actually, that would be a 1.000 diameter "washer". I misread rad. for rod I guess. I sketched it up and it sure didn't come out right using 1/2"!