prayer for Godly men to lead Godly children


Active User
Sep 19, 2012
I am a father like most of you are, I am asking for prayer, myself included for all of the fathers to have the strength, and courage to lead their familys in a spiritual, and rightious direction. I have my personal battles like everyone else, and I am ashamed to say that I dont always have victory, but I lean on the Lords everlasting hands for support and guidance. So for all of the dads I say a special prayer for you. God bless, in all you do.

In His Service, JP
Thank you brother.

May the Father always be with you and guide you. We are not perfect and do the best we can. There is no manual for life other than the bible. The Father understands out battles and foregives.

I think one reason we have children is to test us and our strength. As you I have been tested, over and over and over again.

Have a great Day!
I would think we might pray for the leaders in Washington to lead in a thoughtful, spiritual manner that will help our great country, rather than tearing it down for partisan politics.
Do not despair , lay all your burdens upon the Lord, He is supporting us in his almighty hand,Without him we are lost, Upon the passing of the years, you will see your family grow in love towards you Let them see you are always there for them & pray & support them
If only our leaders could do likewise how pleasant our world would be

I will remember you folks in my prayers, When i am at my church service tomorrow