Reconditioning Jaws


Aug 25, 2011
The jaws of my 5" 3-jaw chuck that I got with my lathe have seen some abuse possibly, certainly a lot of use. The jaws are reversible and each end is concave. Looks to be about .750" diameter, which is great if I'm holding a 3/4" pipe or rod. However, the jaws no longer meet completely and when trying to hold smaller stock, I have the Dickens of a time getting and keeping it tight and square.
I would like to grind or mill the smaller end flat and also flush with the lower half of the jaw. The lower half extends just slightly past the top half. Right now, I can't tighten anything as small as 3/8" rod. I know with the end ground flat I can't hold anything much smaller than that, but at least the jaws would hold more securely.
Any tips or techniques on grinding or milling the ends of the jaws? I realize the end result is to have each jaw precisely the same length. Other than that, is there anything to be careful of?
Any advice would be appreciated.

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Make or buy softjaws; grind yours, if you have a good tool post grinder; buy some new, factory top jaws, and then grind them in. Those would probably be my choices, in that order.