Replacement Milling Machine

Great post, I have been looking for a hobby mill, trying to decide between a mini and a full size. Lots of want-tos, little space and dollars. This helps with the decision, thanks for the pictures and the great post.
.....Good machines but they're not popular for some reason. We try to offer different things -and sometimes it's a success and sometimes not.....

IMHO coming from a business owner designing and selling retail products - if you put a fancy name plate on the top it would sell more. Many times its not the actual specs but the initial "image" that sells or kills a product. Take a look at McIntosh stereo products to see what a simple fancy plate of glass has done for their product sales over the years. Also - IMHO and many will not agree, but white on a manual machine seems to look "cheaper" than battleship grey? If I was selling the machines in this market they would have really fancy aluminum name plates, fancy manuals, and the best paint job I could afford.
Nice machine. I also just purchased an 8x36. Mine is a 10 year old Jet, that came out of a shop as clean as yours. Mill looks no more that a couple years old. I have not had a chance to do much on it yet. But what little I have used it ... man ... what an improvement over my old mil/drill.

I'm curious to hear how the VS works on this unit? 3ph with VFD? Or is it a VS pulley system? That is perhaps the one think I do not like on the Jet ... the limited speeds and having to change the belt.
Nice looking milling machine there Patrick. A friend of mine has a Jet 836 and loves it. He has had it for many years and turns out some very nice work with it.
