Ridgeway grandfather clock issues


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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
My beloved grandfather clock that I inherited from my grandmother slipped a chain this morning when I was winding it. I don't know if the chain slipped off of its ratchet or if the ratchet broke. Tried searching and not finding much. If I got the serial number right it was made in 1926 and may be the 673rd ridgeway clock made. They were first made in 1926.

Can anybody point me to a source where I can find info on my clock?
Thanks for the link. I had been there and tried to sign up but they wanted a little over $100. So I bailed. Went back again and found where I could register for free. I posted my question. Will see what kind of response I get.

I don't want to try to take it a part until I get some more info. Installing the chain doesn't seem to be hard. If the ratchet is broken replacing that would be more problematic without something to guide me.
Spent some time researching my clock. Learned that it is a model 130 named "The Cornwall." If it had been antique white it would have been named "The Lady Cornwall." First made from the 1950's. So not as old as I had originally thought. Fun afternoon.
You can put a tie bar, lack of proper term, in the chain near the end.

It basically is just a piece of wire that prevents the chain from going through.

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The chains on my clock have a round ring in the chain that prevents that. Some how the chain jumped off of the ratchet. Never happened before and hopefully never happens again.