Router table surface options

3/8" fasteners seem like waaay overkill. If you got anywhere near close to the fastener strength you would tear out. I was actually thinking about the 8-32 size, total length is a little over 3/8". You should not have much "up" force. I am imagining you are mostly doing sheet goods? Seems better to have more smaller fasteners than fewer larger ones.

I'm thinking that even with the zinc based inserts, if they wear out, or you cut into some, you can just pull them out and replace.
DMS your probably right, I'll go with the 1/4-20 flanged inserts. They come in 100 qty so they are the best deal. Most manufactured tool holding for wood working is 1/4-20.

I took time to measure and draw up the a mock up of my CNC-4848 table, at least the parts that matter for this project. If I go all out with a 1" staggered hole pattern It comes to 1387 inserts. The price is not too crazy for such a dense hole pattern. I had to take particular care to deal with the holes that have framing under them. I shifted the pattern to align the holes with the slot in the 8020 1530 extrusion. I'll sacrifice 16 holes for mounting the bed to the frame. The rest should be available for work holding. I have a bit of space on the left and right, I'm tempted to install a couple 8020 1575 t-slot to provide clamping for full 48"x48" stock.

Here's a couple of pics of the mock ups.

table mockup iso.png
table mockup top.png

table mockup iso.png table mockup top.png
Not a bad deal for that many of anything ;).
Your wrists are going to be sore installing all of those ;)
Misumi has some flat extrusion that might offer some ideas.

250mm flat would cover almost 10 inches across. Price for a 3000mm piece is $180 so might only need 2 sticks @118 inches and a shorter to make up the last stick.


- - - Updated - - -

Techno-Isel has some interesting profiles available too. I have yet to get a price on this table plate, but it might be worth checking on. Looks like their pricing server is down at the moment.
