[How do I?] Scraping Class Available


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 6, 2012
For anyone who is serious about machine tool rebuilding but doesn't have the deep pockets that some instructors demand we can host a class here in the swamps of northern Minnesota, anyone is welcome. It'd be nice to have at least four students. The lead instructor would be Dennis Danich. Weekdays work best as most summer weekends are booked at our 4 bedroom guesthouse.

I would love to attend, but I have a moratorium about crossing the border, at least for the present. I've wanted to take a class from Dennis for years! A guy who has done it all and knows all the tricks.
Machinist Bedside Reader fans may recall Guy Lautard reference to Dennis Danich a Millright. I’ve been privileged to enjoy beginning to learn scraping and rebuilding under his auspice. Dennis would like to find 6 or 8 individuals who would like to learn and build on their scraping and machine tool rebuilding skills. His emphasis is always on understanding what and why.

First project:
Using his pattern making skills he is proposing that he hire a local foundry to cast 24 inch triangular straight edges. All participants will purchase one of these at his cost: $120. This is for a 24inch long, stress relieved, triangular gray cast straight edge with 90degree, 55degree and 35degree angles. Faces will be around 2.75inches. Note: this is a not for-profit venture. He is coaching me to do one pass milling on them and charge a very few additional dollars for my time. Each member of the group will have their own straight edge, and will be working on the same project and learning scraping and geometry together. Please understand that this is a club, not a class. We are accountable to each other. Dennis is only facilitating the learning. You will also need a scraping tool. An inexpensive tubular Anderson with HSS cutters would be fine.

Dennis is having his knee rebuilt shortly after Thanksgiving. Then we need to build a pattern. The foundry wants 4-6 weeks to schedule and complete the job. Thus, our first session will likely not happen until January. Our first obstacle is to gage interest, and collect some down payments so that we don’t end up owning a dozen straight edges.

Initially the plan is that we hold these sessions at my shop in Dayton MN. I have a 5footx5foot acorn table and a 36 inch cast plate. We believe that we can get everyone comfortably around the acorn table. Other locations will be used as they become available.

It’s the expectation that after the initial session we would all work on the project at home, then reconvene to take work on triangles and the geometry. The long term goal is that we work on rebuilding an entire machine as a group. This suggests a long term time commitment to the group. Other than the straight edge costs there is no plan for ever charging a fee or paying for instruction.

Please PM should you have interest, questions, or concerns. I will answer you directly and/or forward your contact information to Dennis for him to respond directly.

If I were closer to you and not in BFAlabama I would be all for it
Put me down for a spot. I'll drive up from Virginia. It'll give me a chance to shop FBM and craigslist all the way up and back too. Probably the only weeks I can't do are the last week of Aug and first of Sept.
That is a little less than 3 hours away from me. Hmmmmm.
Any ideas on when you are thinking about this?
If I were closer to you and not in BFAlabama I would be all for it
Yep, that's the thing deep pocket students don't mind missing work, or you are paid to go as part of your job.

Dennis really wants to work with the home shop machinists.
Well, that's potentially four.... We would like at least four.

I just spoke with Danich and our respective brides to confirm our availability.
Please note that scraping is alot of work.
As most "hobby" rebuilders scrapers will never buy a Biax, and we are not trying to sell power scrapers, power scraping will not be covered in a Danich session. However, after you've got some skills at hand scraping my Biax is available before or after class.
We would like to do a Monday through Thursday class. Arrive Sunday, start Monday morning at 0800 work through Thursday.
There are specific learning outcome objectives for each day. He will likely start Sunday evening with a discussion of basic principles. This is facilitated by the fact that you will all be bunked in the same structure.
Possible dates:
June 17-20
June 24-28
July 15-19
The reason Dennis wants three days is that he wants to introduce you all to machine tool geometry.
Scraping is great. But how does it fit into the larger picture of getting stuff done?
Dennis is specifying that each of you bring a "Sandvick" scraper around $100. I'll need to get you the MSC part #.
We will provide iron bar stock from which you will scrape a the bar stock. This will introduce you to getting edges square to each other.
Later in the week I will cut you them lengthwise so you will leave with a matching pair of precision parallels.
Dennis is contacting foundries to get a cost on what your bar stock will cost. I will be withholding a total cost for the week until we have that value.

You will be staying at a home across the creek from us. 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, and a kitchen, there is also a sleeper sofa in the living room and two of the bedrooms have a twin bed in addition to the double beds.
You will be responsible for breakfast and dinner.
My bride will provide all lunches, and water throughout each day, sheets and towels will also be provided.
Pics of the structure are available if anyone wants assurance of the integrity of the place.
If you'd like to speak with me or Dennis directly please message me for that contact data.
Persons who have attended other events like this have not only appreciated the hands on. But also the camaraderie after class.

What did I miss??
We will need a consensus on which week works best for a minimum of four Learners.
I understand that cost is a critical thing. I'll be getting back to you on that....

Tamarack MN
I can't do the first dates but I can do June 24-28 or July 15-19.
The July dates would be best for me. I don't think I can do June 17-20 and June 24-28 is iffy. My wife reminded me that we're already going to be out of town starting the 16th and the trip may extend into the following week.

Just spoke with Dennis. This class is definitely a go!

Dennis Danich is instructing. I am hosting in my shop and guest house and will assist with some of the hands on.
Dates: Sunday July 14th-Friday 19th.
Post dinner conversations and intro to scraping concepts will begin Sunday evening. Class will end Thursday night, with departure on Friday.
We are working on acquisition of cast iron for your first project. Price of the course is contingent on what our costs are.
We are waiting on emails and return phone calls. We will need some money in advance of the class so that we can order the castings. More on that when I get more data on our costs.

Both Dennis and I are eager to chat with you via messaging or phone should you have questions. I will distribute contact data at your request if you message me.

My personal goal is to make machine tool rebuilding fun, safe and affordable.
Regardless, it really is a lot of work. We will all be completely exhausted on Friday.
