

Active User
Aug 17, 2012
Ho dow you serialize scratch built firearms? Thinking of building an AK.
Want to be legal but if it's cheaper to buy one I would just as soon buy one.


Ho dow you serialize scratch built firearms? Thinking of building an AK.
Want to be legal but if it's cheaper to buy one I would just as soon buy one.

I believe you need to file a form 1 with the ATF and pay $200 for a tax stamp to build your own firearm.
In addition to a serial number you need to put the city and state where it was made.

At least this is what I remember.

I know that's what I'll have to do to build a silencer.

Build a gun if metalsworking is your one true passion and you have the tools and skills and time..But if you just really want the firearm then just buy it and skip the in-between bother..Guns are dirt cheap compared to the amount of effort and materials required to do it yourself.........

I use cnc mill to engrave ser# and my name and location on my projects.
I advise you to visit Weaponsguild. There are hundreds or thousands of guys there into similar projects as you are considering..I cant link to it as I got banned from there a year ago..I am entirely into antique sporting firearms and wasnt headspaced properly to fit in with'em.:rofl:
I use cnc mill to engrave ser# and my name and location on my projects.

Is the CNC yours?
I do a little CNC stuff with GibbsCam for fun.
Maybe, we could get together and compare notes.
Bismark isn't that far for Beebe.

Cuzzun_itt I read your introduction.Your'e pretty deep into cnc..I have gone 'bout as far into cnc as I intend to go. I have old Hurco cnc that I gutted and then installed new servo drivers and VFD and all else .Run it with Mach 3 ....Have logged well over a thousand hours on it so far......And have an old 1982 Acroloc cnc that I havent even turned on since bout 2007..and I have an old dead Miyano cnc lathe that I bought some years ago to rebuild but starting to think I'll never get around to it..

What'd you decide- build or buy the AK? I've never owned an EBR but now that Obama is going after'em , now I think I should'a had one or two of'em..:))

Is the CNC yours?
I do a little CNC stuff with GibbsCam for fun.
Maybe, we could get together and compare notes.
Bismark isn't that far for Beebe.

I have old Hurco cnc that I gutted and then installed new servo drivers and VFD and all else .Run it with Mach 3 ....Have logged well over a thousand hours on it so far......And have an old 1982 Acroloc cnc that I havent even turned on since bout 2007..and I have an old dead Miyano cnc lathe that I bought some years ago to rebuild but starting to think I'll never get around to it..

What'd you decide- build or buy the AK? I've never owned an EBR but now that Obama is going after'em , now I think I should'a had one or two of'em..:))

Still undecided on the AK. Never had any dealings w/mach3
But I may be able to help you with your dead miyano whay kind of control does it have?
Fanuc 6T?

My real job is field service on CNC's

Here's a link to some info on another forum with more links to documentation

According to this thread you can build a semi auto and have NO markings

This has some good info. Thanks for the link. However the post with the link to ATF
build a firearm page was a dead end. Lots of other good info tho. Never found anything
from ATF that said no markings. I think they may have taken a different attitude since
the Newtown, Ct massacre. They can do that ya know.

This just my opinion. Guns should be marked to save yourself from possible inconvenience. Lawmen dont know all the laws and interpreting laws isnt their job anyway..So if an officer sees you with an unmarked firearm and suspects you might have ground off the serial number then he may well arrest you and let a judge sort it out....That plus the guns need marked if you will eventually sell or pass them on to your heirs so I do it..You all suit yourself.

I will also add that I was a guard in a maximum security prison years ago...I am not scared to spend a night or two in jail but theres no hobby that worth getting sent in to prison for years at a time..Better to learn the laws and stay well inside the right side of the law.