Shop floor!!!!


Rest In Peace
Sep 24, 2010
I can finally see nearly 1/2 of my 20X20 shop floor. Darned if I didnt pour concrete after all. I remembered doing that but havent seen it in so long I wasn't sure if the concrete termites had been snacking at their leisure... Now just a little more re-organization and I can actually get to every machine and use it as I need to. I learned a valuable lesson in all of this. Organize as you go or regret it later. Any spring cleaning dramatic finds other than my concrete floor? Glad I did that way back when.
I keep selling off wood type tools and slowly getting some floor cleared------still got a ways to go.
Try moving 40 years of accumulation in one month into a new shop before you have the interior finished. This is what you get. Took 2 years to get to where I could get my hoist installed and my 56 Studebaker and my tractor inside. Spray booth finished and usable.
The left side around the 36 is still a bit chaos. But we are able to work in the main areas now.



36 stud2.jpg

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Ouch, I feel your pain. I moved a complete heavy truck repair shop from my office in Ocala to my house prior to leaving for Iraq in a hurry and have been three years trying to see if I still had concrete floors. I finally sold my two racing MX motorcycles and a bunch of other stuff I cant use anymore so I finally have enough room again to re-arrainge it and put stuff away neatly and get to all my machines. I plan to refire my CNC table and plasma cutter and putter with that a bit and make parts for my little projects along and along on my lathe and Mill/Lathe combo machine. Once I get the wooden workbecnch into the other shed and mount that stuff on pedestals I will be in way better shape. Unfortunately I cant lift or tug so I have to get help to do most of it. My good wife would help but I dont want her to risk getting hurt so I ask the neighbor kids to stop by and give me a hand from time to time. Once I get this mess cleaned up I promise I will never make a mess like this again, so help me. It does feel good to see the concrete and be able to work where it is a little cooler out of the wind and rain. Thats a good motivator to keep cleaning too. I also have found tools and equipment I forgot I had, thats kind of like christmas in April. Have a great day and hope you make some progress so you can work on that great old car.