Shop Sound System- What's yours?

The little JCB Bluetooth speaker on Amazon is a terrific speaker. Lots of bass. You favorite Pandora channel and away you go.
In a previous incarnation I did broadcast engineering and theatrical audio systems with frequency response from DC to light and spent a lot of time worrying about sound pressure levels +/- 1 dB from here to the bleachers.

Nowadays, in the shop - meh. A decent receiver from Goodwill, speakers that sound good to my upper frequency compromised ears (currently a pair of Cerwin Vegas) and I'm good to go. It's background music now to the sound of fans, motors, servos. and a cat yowling about waiting to be fed.

Nothing makes more difference than having speakers that sound good to you.

Tune into the Portland jazz station (KMHD-FM) and I'm good to go.

Probably the best advice for anyone buying a sound system. Buy what sounds good to you.
And that’s how my system functions. When no machines are running, it’s audible. As soon as I start any machine, it fades into the background.
Three sets of Sonos Play 3 and Play 5 speakers interconnected via Wi-Fi
I have some cacktacular old digital radio, a 12V car amplifier and some 1970's bookshelf speakers. Couldn't be without the radio in the shop!
ALEXA....................some one to talk to & she answers many questions
When I really want to hear like a podcast I’ve bought a set of Bluetooth in ears called Raycon, the “every days”. They sound good and nothing hanging out of my ears. So I can hear good and they block outside noise to a certain degree. In my situation I don’t have machines running all the time. They are half the price of the expensive sets. Hi tech for around $70. NFI, YMMV, Yada Yada.
I won a Bose iPod thingy (soundstation?) that I use with an old iPod that won't hold a charge, but works fine when plugged in. I find I like music when I'm woodworking or tidying/organizing, but tend not to turn it on when machining. Partly because of the noise the machines make and partly because I enjoy just zenning (i
1601727719096.pngMakita jobsite radio. Terrible reception, great sound, and rugged, but its never missed a beat for 15 years. I leave it on all the time so the mice and critters have background music.
I have a complete 3-way stand-alone system with integrated speakers. USA-made AM/FM/Cassette Player. Plays mono and stereo

Boom Box
Shop Boom Box.jpgShop Boom Box2.jpg
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