Some Of What I Did In My Shop During The Summer


Jun 12, 2019
Hi Everyone, :sorry: BUT I'M BACK...:beer::clapping:

Not sure if this is the right place to put this but could'nt find a"Some Of What I Did This Summer" Topic..:)

Missed Being Here, So thought I better make up alittle for lost time...

Been really busy doing "Stuff".

Right Now I'm building a Sand Blast Cabinet.

Putting a New Articulating Joint In my Loader/Backhoe "Cad Trac"

Doing some landscaping and planting grass north of my shop..

Need to work on my 4010 JD, think having some problems with injector pump..
I bet there are some wizards that hang around here that could give me some tips
on setting injector pumps..

Hope You Enjoy The Pics

Casting New Headstock.jpgNew Headstock.jpg
New Larger Headstock For Gingery Lathe, Still Working On IT.

Putting in new 8' LED's.jpg
Putting New 8' LED's In The Shop.
Old Florescent to the left, or maybe you
could tell.
Really Nice Light Now, Was always kinda gloomy

.Wine Ready To Bottle Soon.jpg
30 Gallons of Wine To Bottle Soon, Just In Case
I Run Out Of Beer.
Will bring my stock up to about 400 Bottles, Maybe I'm
Getting Paranoid..NOT

Hybernized Daylily.jpg
Did some Daylilly Hybridizing 3 years ago.
Finally Blossomed this year.
Crossed a yellow one with a red one and
came up with this...
Might Be A Keeper to Register with the
Daylilly Society.

Bapple Bread Fresh Out Of The Oven.jpg

Fresh Bapple Bread, For Me... best when hot and
a slab of butter, Wife likes it cold.
But I will eat it either way...

Soft Pretzels ready to be Gobbled Down with some Ice Cold Beer..jpg

Soft Pretzels Ready To Be Gobbled Down With Some
Friends, Cool Wine Or Ice Cold Beer.
Welcome back Tim!

You Sir, are a true polymath.

That new casting turned out great!
Beautiful wine colours it reminds me of the old "Pop Shop" store as a kid, with every colour and flavour of soda....except your bottles are bigger.
What flavours have you got brewing?

Welcome back Tim!

You Sir, are a true polymath.

That new casting turned out great!
Beautiful wine colours it reminds me of the old "Pop Shop" store as a kid, with every colour and flavour of soda....except your bottles are bigger.
What flavours have you got brewing?

Gee's, thanks Brino, I'm not that educated so had to look up that word. your invited for a tasting and food anytime.
(2) Strawberry/Rhubarb, (1) Strawberry, (2) Chokecherry, (1) Crab Apple
Might do some aronia later but not very fond of it, always taste a little earthy.

Thanks Alot, haven't forgot about ya Brino.

Have a nice evening,
Not sure if this is the right place to put this but couldn't find a "Some Of What I Did This Summer" Topic..:)
Hey moderators or whoever. I too wish we had a "recent projects" thread. One in which multiple projects on the smaller side with minimal details could be posted. Sort of quick and easy "here's where my time has gone".
horty -
A very fine collection of projects ... and that flower really looks spectacular!
horty -
A very fine collection of projects ... and that flower really looks spectacular!
Thanks Hman, a lot of failures but then sometime ya get lucky.
been doing plant propagation and grafting for about 30 years, the best tree I was proud of was
my wifes cherry tree, it produces 3 kinds of cherries, about 12 years old.

It would be in full bloom from may to our first frost, around mid Sept.
It had early, mid and late cherries.

Cherry trees have a very thin bark, around here during the winter the trunk should be wrapped to protect
from the bright south sun during the winter or else the side of the tree will start to warm up and thaw and then freeze, I forgot to
cover the trunk last year and this is what happened.


Guess now I can make something nice out of the wood for my wife when I get it dug out.
Its sad to see it that way but we enjoyed a lot of cherry wine and cherry pies from it.


