Spindle play

Someone asked for a diagram I think. Click on the ”exploded diagram”-pic.
Tore the whole thing apart. Now chainsawtime for a bit. Reassembling later today probably. Any tips, things to check and look for? I assume that there should be no play between both bearings inner rings. Maybe there`s a small empty distance due to the new metal gears. I`ll check for that.
Tore the whole thing apart. Now chainsawtime for a bit. Reassembling later today probably. Any tips, things to check and look for? I assume that there should be no play between both bearings inner rings. Maybe there`s a small empty distance due to the new metal gears. I`ll check for that.

Referring to the exploded diagram on page 2 from the link you supplied:

I would measure the thickness of 80 (the original plastic gear) and 123 (the original bearings) and compare them to your new metal gear and new angular contact bearings. Take the difference from your measurements and make a spacer to take up that slack. It looks like you could replace 116 with that new spacer. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume your new metal gear is slightly thinner than the old plastic one which means you're not able to apply enough preload.
After reading the posts above I think you are absolutely right. There must be a difference leaving some play on the spindle between the two bearings. Will check measurements and come back.
Measured and the sum of the new gears and spacer is actually 1 mm more. Put it back together and now there`s no play on the upper part, the upper bearing. Still play in the lower bearing, alltough less. Don`t get it...
I know you indicated that the bearings are installed correctly, but, have to say, a reversed bottom bearing could explain what you are seeing. It wouldn't hurt to double-check.
The sum of the new gears and the spacer exceeds the plastic old one by 1mm. Number 80 is made up of 3 parts when you go with metal gears; 2 gears and 1 spacer. Maybe I`m thinking it wrong, but if the measure now is longer it should definetely push on both bearings right? The upper play is gone after remounting but there`s still a smaller play on the lower one. Don`t know what to make of it. Maybe I should tear it down again and make a series of pics. Have to solve this.
The upper play is gone after remounting but there`s still a smaller play on the lower one. Don`t know what to make of it. Maybe I should tear it down again and make a series of pics. Have to solve this.

It doesn't really make sense to me how there could be play in the upper bearing but not the lower - maybe I'm interpreting the exploded diagram incorrectly? Pictures would help tremendously.

My interpretation of the exploded view shows 122 making contact on the outer races of both bearings. 116 makes contact with the inner race of the lower bearing. 118 makes contact with the inner race of the upper bearing and 119 adjusts the preload of everything on the spindle shaft. Is that correct?

Does the upper bearing get installed from the top of the headstock casting and seat in the pocket shown? If so, this might be the reason you're seeing no play in the upper bearing and also shows a flaw in the exploded view drawing.
Almost correct. 122 is just a cover. 116 makes contact on bearings from the inside so to speak, there are 2 116`s. 118 makes contact with upper bearing and 119 is a nut that pushes down on 118 and at the same time pulls the shaft up and in so doing the wider part of the shafts lower part makes contact with the lower bearing from the outside. 118 is outside the gearbox, not obvious on the drawing. Both bearings are sitting on the edge of the gearbox. A bit difficult to explain in words. I`ll take some pics so you can see. Be back.
Well, don`t know what to say. It sort of fixed itself. Went out to tear it apart. For the sixth time I think. Thought I`d take some pics for you. Took the gearbox of the tower and loosened the nut on the top. Then I felt the spindle was ok
Just a little play, turned it and the play was gone. Couldn`t understand. Put the gearbox, I call it that because the it`s part of the gearbox but also holds the spindle back and the spacer on top and the nut. A very small amount of play was back. Tightened the nu a little. Less play. Tightened it a bit more. Gone. By this I have to deduce that it was a matter of tighteni g the nut just right but I don`t know. Have had it apart so many times now that I think I would have hit sweet spot a least one of those times. Waht else could it be? We`ll see if it holds. Put up a few pics; top bearing, bottom bearing and inside the gearbox.


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