Stuck Live Cartridge Tool.


Active User
Jan 3, 2012
Hi again Fellow Gun-Plumbers,
Sorry if these posts are suck eggs stuff.
I wont go into how a cartridge gets stuck in a breach.......................
Some 12-15 years ago I built these collets, after using the age old method of half filling a centre-fire rifle barrel with heavy oil and cutting leather patches to suit the calibre and pound these down the barrel on top of the oil from the mussle end obviously, this hydraulics the live round out of the breach.
We old Arthur and myself had much success with this method, until one day in came a .270 with a very stuck case.
We both had a go at this problem but pound as much as we could using the above method it would not release, time for a coffee.............we came back to said problem, and put more pressure on the leather plugs.
Then the loudest bang that both of us have ever heard indoors...............Out came the live round fully intact hitting the wall over the outer side of the workshop, if either of us had been standing at the breach end we believe the cartridge at that velocity could have been fatal.
Some days later I sat down and designed these collet tools, they are to suit .222 to .30 Cal with a closing collar tube they attach to a slide hammer (which I cannot find at present).
No that is not rust it is the cloth that I cover these puppies up with.......................;)
I hope this story keeps somebody safe in the future, and prompt you to build this tool.
Man it has made me some money over the years.
Kindest Regards

Stuck-Cartridge-Tool-#1.jpg Stuck-Cartridge-Tool-#2.jpg Stuck-Cartridge-Tool-#3.jpg Stuck-Cartridge-Tool-#4.jpg
I built a set very similar to that when I was at Colorado School of Trades in 1986. Have used them several times. I wholeheartedly agree on not driving a live round out from the muzzle. There have been several serious accidents using that method. A couple of years ago that method resulted in a round hitting the bolt stop and firing the cartridge.
Can you explain in detail exactly how these would work? I'm guessing the ring slides up the shaft and locks the tool over the case head, and then a tool of some sort locks on to the shaft and pulls the entire assembly backwards? I'm not sure how one would extract a case flush up against the breech though. Thanks in advance. :hi: