Resolved Sustaining member not able to list items for sale?


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 23, 2013
I really enjoy the site and wanted to support it by becoming a sustaining member. I also have a quite a bit of shop items to sell cheap, to the members here.
But it seems I can't list them. Am I understanding this right, I could list by becoming a premium member (30.00) but not able to list by becoming a sustaining member (50.00) Is this right?
I don't think so. I see a ( you have insufficient privileges to post here. ) at the bottom right of the selling page. ?
This is Nelson on your account and you have the proper access permissions.
I really enjoy the site and wanted to support it by becoming a sustaining member. I also have a quite a bit of shop items to sell cheap, to the members here.
But it seems I can't list them. Am I understanding this right, I could list by becoming a premium member (30.00) but not able to list by becoming a sustaining member (50.00) Is this right?
Hi Solo, you can post in the member for sale area at any of the donation levels.
You are correct about Solo having access to selling. However, there are two problems. Early this year, there was only one donation level, $25 )or it might have been $30). Several places referred to that (only) donation level as being "Premium" membership. And the title of the For Sale group of Fora says that Premium members may list for sale items here. The chart that pops up if you click on the Donation tab in the main tool bar says that only $100 and $200 may sell (as indicated by YES on the chart. All other levels from $50 down to $0 say NO. So that needs to be fixed PDQ along with the other things that I mentioned elsewhere.

In actual fact, all Donor levels from $10 up can create a For Sale thread. I just ran a brief test using my alter egos. I don't personally have any problem with that And it is probably easier to edit charts and titles than it is permissions. But the chart under the Donations tab should be edited to reflect actual. And the Forum Group title should be edited to replace Premium members with Donors, all Donors, or something appropriate.
I’ve reformatted the donation page at least three times and every time it loses its formatting. When you start over, you have to start from scratch or the columns get out of order which explains why the free option was in the right instead of the left.

I’m going to come up with an alternative this weekend and probably a shorter list as well. I’ll post a draft to the mod group for feedback before publishing.

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OK. Whatever it takes. From the standpoint of sustainable donations, the only thing worse than no list is an incorrect one. The way that the current list reads, if I were a regular member, or certainly if I were a new member, it's quite likely that I wouldn't be a donor.