That was Weird!


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 3, 2013
So the other day I went looking for the dog out in the yard. Called several times but she never came. Usually when she does not come is because the back neighbor is out with her dog. When that happens I know where she is because of her barking. Thinking maybe she found a way out through the fence I began walking the perimeter of our property.

Way out back in the north east corner where it is heavily forested I spot her with her nose in the ground. Called again but she wouldn't budge. Now I'm thinking she has killed something or found a critter hole so I headed over. When I pulled her off the hole she had dug there was a white sphere buried about 6" deep in the ground. Thinking maybe it was an old golf ball I dug it out.

It was an egg????? Okay, what king of egg? I don't know of any creature around here that buries their eggs so I cracked it open. It was a hard boiled chicken egg!

I have no clue why a hard boiled chicken egg would be buried out there. Or who would have done that and why?????

It's really weird!!!:confused 3:
she probably got it from a neighbors or your place and was burying it. better see if your family or neighbor families may have thrown away some hard boiled eggs in their trash that your dog was rumaging through, and confiscated.--- when dogs find bones and fresh food they will bury them for later times to dig them up. that's my guess! :)
I second the "she found it and buried it" theory.
Ive had dogs that bury things, she does not. She would have tried to eat it given the chance.

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Or maybe someone was trying to poison your dog.
So the other day I went looking for the dog out in the yard. Called several times but she never came. Usually when she does not come is because the back neighbor is out with her dog. When that happens I know where she is because of her barking. Thinking maybe she found a way out through the fence I began walking the perimeter of our property.

Way out back in the north east corner where it is heavily forested I spot her with her nose in the ground. Called again but she wouldn't budge. Now I'm thinking she has killed something or found a critter hole so I headed over. When I pulled her off the hole she had dug there was a white sphere buried about 6" deep in the ground. Thinking maybe it was an old golf ball I dug it out.

It was an egg????? Okay, what king of egg? I don't know of any creature around here that buries their eggs so I cracked it open. It was a hard boiled chicken egg!

I have no clue why a hard boiled chicken egg would be buried out there. Or who would have done that and why?????

It's really weird!!!:confused 3:
I have had fox take chicken eggs and bury them ,but a hard boiled egg?
What I want to know is, how did she know to hard boil it before burying it? Does your dog normally hard boil eggs? Or for that matter, was it already hard boiled, and if so, how did she know? Did she roll it around, or shake it, or bark at it, egg-cetra? There are a lot of unanswered questions here :dunno: