The Machinist Bedside Reader is made of gold?


Active User
Jan 21, 2013
Got an email regarding the class action lawsuit against some book publishers and I have a book credit at Amazon. Ok good, I've been meaning to pick up Guy Lautard's books so I take a look around.

Holy Crap! Not in print any more according to the Author, and the places I can get them from charge anywhere from $56 to almost $200 each!
Guess I'll do without. :whiteflag:
Maybe it would be cheaper if you read it on the crapper. :lmao:
At the moment, the following titles are out of print, and therefore not available:

The Machinist's Bedside Reader (TMBR#1)
The Machinist's Second Bedside Reader (TMBR#2)
The Machinist's Third Bedside Reader (TMBR#3)
Clockmaking for the Home Shop Machinist.
Tables and Instructions for Ball and Radius Generation.

I am working on new arrangements whereby these titles will hopefully once again be available.

Please keep an eye on this website for further news regarding this matterin the next few weeks.

FWIW - That's "why" anyway.

There are other sources, still not "cheap" though. Around $50 each on Abe Books -

beaker, did he lose his publisher or something? sell it via e book then. this is 2014.
beaker, did he lose his publisher or something? sell it via e book then. this is 2014.
No Kidding! He can "Self Publish" pretty easily via Amazon. He's had the same message about a possible 4th book, and a new publisher coming soon for at least a year now. I don't think he's really going to do it.
It's been more like 15 years....

No Kidding! He can "Self Publish" pretty easily via Amazon. He's had the same message about a possible 4th book, and a new publisher coming soon for at least a year now. I don't think he's really going to do it.
I guss I was lucky when I stopped by Guy Lautard's house in Vancouver many years ago on the way to a ski holiday at Whistler, and picked up all 3 of his MBTR's, and he graciously signed them. These must be worth much more than $200 now!I had heard on other forums that he had had a difficult separation from his wife, who received the rights or part rights to his books and future publishing. Apparently, he did not think this was fair and has delayed finishing/publishing TMBR#4. A great shame as #1 to #3 are great entertaining and instructive reads.