This Is Ok But I Really Think It Needs A Steam Engine To Drive It!

I had to look up Heath Robinson, maybe because I'm an American. Robinson was English and a little earlier than Goldberg. So maybe Goldberg got the idea of these cartoons of these whimsical inventions from Robinson. I don't know. All I know is that when I was growing up, I sure enjoyed Goldberg's cartoons. And after looking at some of Robinson's cartoons on the net, he also makes me laugh, too.
Yes, they both had a wealth of whimsical wit.
check out rob higgs, he has a couple of further engineering constructions like the one above.
And it fits easily in your pocket for use on picnics. It is pretty cool. Mike
where's the mousetrap?
very cool machine, the construction and tuning must have been very time consuming
great build!