Transporting a Boyar and Shultz 612-H

If you can come across a pump and reservoir that will work, and have the room for it I would definitely go for it. You'll quickly cranking the handles can be a mind numbing experience. It's ok for small and intricate parts, but it can quickly become boring to the point of loosing concentration on larger parts.
I have cleaned up a few machines after I got them, but nothing compares to the total crud that builds up on a surface grinder with oil mixed in! Every time you think you are done you find more of the crud.

If you have the grinder off the base and the table off, you might as well go rest of the way and replace all of the Bijour valves in the oil lines. They typically gum up and stop working. Think they were about $20 each when I replaced mine during set-up.

Should examine your bellows on the cross crew, as probably one/both torn. You either buy 2 shorter ones on McMaster (one for each end), or one longer one and cut it down into sections for about half the cost of the 2 short ones.
I finally have her up and running! I tested the oiling valves and all appear to be working well after some minor cleaning. The oil pump itself was filthy and varnished and took a good hour's work to clean up. The bellows are actually both in decent condition. A bit harder probably then when they were new, but no tears or breaks in either. After refilling the oil system and lubing the ways with vectra #2 its seems to glide quite nicely. There is a slight squeak to the spindle bearing at startup but it quickly dissipates as the motor reaches speed. Not sure if that's a side effect of my cold garage or a sign that the bearings need cleaned/lubed

I did a quick test grind on a rusted old surface gauge I had picked up and am reasonably happy with the finish for a complete beginner. There's a bit of chatter, but my diamond dresser hasn't come in yet so this wheel has never been dressed.


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