Treadmill motor without console.


Sep 26, 2014
Hi All.

I know "treadmill motor" it's been discussed already but I've decided to start a new thread because could't find anything like my problem with it before. To the point.
[FONT=&amp] Just recently friend of mine gave me a treadmill motor 220VDC /11.4A /3.5HP. with not working control board. Unfortunately no console. Just motor and MCB. So I even don't know what the treadmill brand is. Motor control board (MCB) is marked : [/FONT]

TS-LCB3-08 2008.03.26.

What I did so far hoping to get it going?
Checked the brushes and tested the motor with 17vdc all's good. Replaced the blown power resistor (56K/5W) and big capacitor 470uF/400v. Tested the two IGBT's - G40N60 - good. Tested the rectifier - F30U60DN - good. Checked the voltage regulator 7812CT and 3 blue contactors (applying 12vdc to the coils) - ok. Paralel to them diodes 1N4004 - ok.
Where's problem, then. [FONT=&amp]Almost 0 voltage across motor pinouts Only 1.8vdc. [/FONT][FONT=&amp]
Didn't touched IGBT driver MC33153 and photocouplers PC817. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]My worry is that MCB has been "locked" somehow and needs a signal form the console (upper board) to start it up. But as I said I dont have the treadmill console. I'm running out of ideas especially with my limited knowleadge of electronics. [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Can anyone please tell me if I can run my motor just with its MCB, not having the console? Is any practical way to do it?[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]As you can see motor has plenty of power I’m hoping (still) to use it with my wood lathe. [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Please see the pictures attached.[/FONT]

DSCN1659.JPG Motor Control Board.jpg
Without a schematic or the rest of the console to trace wiring to the control board, you have a real battle ahead. My advise, if you can't find at least a schematic, is to purghase a controller for it. There are 3 things missing, the speed control input, usually a potentiometer, a safety lockout, usually a microswitch on the console activated by a plastic key, and the AC input to the control board.
Look for lables on the controller board that might give clues to where they connected.

you can but a PWM controller rated for 220 vdc 15 or 20 amps pretty cheaply from Ebay.
I think you need to connect your potentiometer to the 3-pin connector labeled (3) on the MCB. Power the board up, then turn the pot all the way down, then slowly, all the way up.
Thanks guys for the prompt reply. Yes Chuck without the schematic [FONT=&quot]I am just flying blind. Don't know when but eventualy I'll find the rihgt one.
Cheers, Wes.