""" UPDATE """My Best Friend for 30+ years

One good thing he has going for him is he doesn't give up.
This right here! It always amazes me how resilient some people are. My dad had some Polio issues that would make a guy cry to watch.
He just lived with it, and whined not at all. I strive to be half as tough.
Terrible news.
Know you have friends here.
I hope your buddy has a full recovery.
Any accident is always terrible news and it normally happens so fast within seconds. I just had a knee replacement two months ago and the normal 'pain' had a huge influence on my emotions. I 'planned' for it, knew what was coming and prepared accordingly - sadly your friend had none of these. I am doing a study now about 'Constant pain' and the influence on emotions, vision and the sense of life. I am holding a Masters in Psychology and would like to see the end result. Horty, I pray and hope he will recover fully and I know you will support him during these dark times.
So sorry to hear about your friend. Hope he recovers and can enjoy his retirement.
It’s crazy out there.
Thanks alot for caring, and I'll let him know.


Now, need to find the correct place to ask questions about my gingery lathe...
Hi, My friend(?) has been home and doing well, he received about $1.5 million, already purchased a $300.00 home, 5 new 4 wheelers for his kids and grand kids, with all new aluminum trailers, a top of the line suburban, a BMW for his wife, and more.

Been talking to him off and on for a few weeks, he doesn't want to hangout anymore at my place, always to busy.

I called him on Saturday and said I was coming to town to get some groceries and I could stop by before leaving to go back to the shop.

He said he was having a little get together and cook out with his FRIENDS and maybe some other time..
Takes me awhile sometimes, but I finally got it..

All I can say is that when he's broke and needs a little money for a bill or cigs or something again, he has alot of new friends to help out now.

Kinda hurts a bit, but should have known what money does to people, I happened in my family when Dad passed away.

So now, I can continue on.

Wow. That's really sad. Is good he is ok, and did get some restitution out of the situation. I would hope he plans out how he will use the windfall. Sometimes, the money runs out before they think. I've seen that happen too. Sounds like you tried to be a true friend though.
there are 2 kinds of friends.
the kind that are always there, good or bad
then there is the kind that's only there when it is good for them.

i think we know what kind of friend you have.
(too much) money makes douchebags from normal people
Trauma has unexpected and sometimes extreme effects on people. So does sudden cash surplus. This is a sad story, Horty. I'm sorry you fell out with your friend.