Vulture waiting for me outside the shop

That would be a big :nono:, vultures are a federally protected species.
I didn't know Vultures went that far North?

They hang out around here in packs of 5 to 20 at a time. They even fight over roosting rights on top of the high-line poles!
Its not unusual for me to see them riding the thermals above the ridge on my property but they rarely land in the yard unless there's something dead. This one just wandered around for about a hour until I spooked it walking to the house for lunch.
We have a tree in a park around Lancaster Ohio that at dusk will have 20-30 of them roosting. Spooky!
We have them in Minnesota, too, though not in the numbers that I see them further south in Iowa, Illinois, and such.
I have a friend that will try pretty much anything. He told me once that he tried eating a vulture. He siad it tasted pretty much like California condor or spotted owl.
