Wanted a SB 9 follower rest


Active User
May 6, 2014
I picked up what I thought was a SB 9 follower rest at the Cabin Fever Expo this weekend. Turns out it is for a 10 inch lathe (the center is 1/2 inch too high). Bummer. It is in good shape (I stripped off the existing paint and there are no defects). Hopefully I can sell to someone with a 10 inch SB. or maybe there is someone out there with a 9 inch version they want to trade. I know some have made brackets to use a 9 inch rest on a 10 inch lathe, but I don't think there is an easy fix in reverse.



I have one for a 9".. South bend.trade??
A trade sound good - do you have a picture of the rest?

It looks good. Definitely looks a half inch shorter than the one I have! I can send the 10 inch rest to you on faith this Friday. Once you have it please send the 9 inch one to me. I'll send you a private message and you can respond back to me with your address.


So Lordbeezer and I made the swap of our follower rests. I spent this past weekend reprinting the rest. This week I ran a few tests. It works great. You will notice two things in the attached pictures - 1) yes I cleaned up the lathe before I took the pictures (what can I say? I like a clean shop). and 2) I know the fingers are backwards. The exact center of the rest is still not aligned exactly to the center of my lathe. Maybe there are different variations for SB 9 inch lathes? Anyway, it is close enough. I'm going to make some custom roller bearing fingers that should line things right up. I hope Lordbeezer is just as pleased with the trade as I am.



I'm glad it's working out.sure looks better.nice lathe and paint.don't know why fingers are off a little.came off a older south bend 9".i'm good with the one from you.sold my 10k.making a adapter to use on my 11" Sheldon.thanks Phil