Way OT: Guacamole That Keeps


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2018
I had to tell someone, so you guys are it.

My wife bought this stuff for a camping trip at the end of September. Packed in an air-tight squeeze tube, it's still good! Stays green way longer than 14 days.

If you eat enough of that, will your mortician give you a discount on embalming? :grin:

Actually, a year or two ago at Costco, I bought avocado pieces packed in a zip-lock bag. The "fresh" avocado supply seems to be very hit and miss and the prepackaged product looked very attractive. The package quantity was so large that I questioned whether I'd be able to use them before they went bad. Even after opening the package, they lasted much longer than I would have thought, refrigerated of course. Costco has since quit carrying them, AFAIK.
Pretty sure it comes in it's own package....


Sorry, I just hate when things that don't really need packaging are processed and wrapped in plastic. I'm glad that you can still use it, but for camping it seems like bringing a few ripe avocados, some salsa and a lime ought to be only marginally more effort than cutting open a package.

But, each to their own....


[edit] :grin:
So what strange chemicals have they added to the avocados to stop them from browning and decomposing?
How long before the state of California accuses them of causing cancer (if they havnt already)
I saw somewhere (probably the internet so it must be true) that if you bring the avocados to a certain temperature they will no longer turn brown. I don't remember the temp but it was using a Sous Vide so could not be too hot. I've never tried this myself. with a little care in how I store them after I cut them open, Avocadoes usually get eaten long before they turn brown in my house.
I dont know why I was worrying about what they added to the avocados, I was eating seaweed noodles the other night.
Made entirely from - water - Sodium Alginate - Calcium Chloride - Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate. Go figure.