What Lathe Is This?


Aug 29, 2011
I bought this on an online auction, didn't have time to go look at it. Auction said it was Sears Craftsman but I don't see that anywhere and I can't find a similar one on the internet. Only has a plate that says Timken Bearing Equipped. Any help would be appreciated.


Lathe.jpg Lathe 2.jpg
I think it's a Clausing 100 Series, probably the "Mk 3a" based on the lever on top of the quick change. See: http://www.lathes.co.uk/clausing/page6.html

I had one of these once, in fact it was my first lathe. As I recall it had the maker's name on a plaque on the tailstock. Unfortunately your thread index plate has strayed; that would have had the maker's name also. And there was a plate on the headstock stating that Timken bearings were used. Sold mine in 1979 when I got a South Bend Heavy 10.
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The quick change gear box looks like Southbend. But the tailstock and stand look wrong for Southbend.
To me, it looks like the leg assembly doesn't match the lathe itself at all...

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