What to buy at tool hoarder estate sale Phase III??


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jul 16, 2018
I am headed back to the tool hoarder sale phase III on Friday. This is the last of the "by appointment" sales. After this weekend it is an open sale. My question is what to focus on buying with my limited funds?
  • Tons of various calipers and micrometers and assorted accessories - I feel like the market is flooded with this stuff. Is there something that is not quite so common that I should look for?
  • Two sets of gage blocks of unknown manufacture. They were marked $300 each.
  • A precision level in box. I think it was a brand name...maybe Starret.
  • A precision vise. Not sure of maker but I bought the sine vise and it was a quality USA made by Suburban Tool.
  • Tons of dies of all sizes, in original boxes, and stored in .
  • V blocks.
  • Various mill cutters of all sorts.
Most of what is left is this smaller stuff. What other things should I look for that I didn't mention? Keep in mind most of this will be to pass on to others but I may keep some for myself.

I'd go for whatever I didn't have that I know I would use regularly.
Sounds like the good stuff is gone. And the not so needed and or overpriced is still there. Be a wise shopper and look for another sale. If you are a hobby shop, make do until it’s your turn. I’m totally aware of toolaholic fever, I have the disease, it’s nasty stuff, can’t get rid of it! Self-control is useless. Take my preaching for what it is worth!
Anything made in the USA . Stay far away from overseas stuff . The list of shops in the area is still shrinking and most remaining shops will supply tools and tooling to their employees . It's still a dying trade and there is a still a lot of this tooling floating around the area . Sale by appointment means expensive to me , wait for their end of sale auction . Then you can buy what you need for our shop .

Calipers , mikes , measuring tools are a dime a dozen , I would look for the not so easy tooling if I it were me , but I'm selling and not buying at this stage !
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The gauge blocks sound overpriced.
Starrett levels are nice.
Check prices on ebay for an idea of what you can pay for the same item.