Wheelbarrow Planter From Scratch

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
i had a woodworking itch, that i had to scratch...

a friend suggested the idea of making a wheelbarrow planter to grow kitchen herbs or possibly succulent plants.
for some reason i felt compelled to create a wheelbarrow planter.
a wheelbarrow that was not only functional as a wheelbarrow, as well as an rustic art offering.

here's the pictures, followed by drawings with dimensions- should you wish to make your own!

first, i miter cut the sides of the box .
glued and tacked them into position.
cut the slats for the bottom and glued and tacked them into position.
screwed all the panels together for maximum strength.
then took a 2"x3"x96" and cut it in half to make 2 stretchers.
contoured the ends to the shape of rustic type handles with a 100 grit flap wheel and a 4-1/2" angle grinder .
laid out the handle positions on the box, and transferred the positions.
drilled through the bottom box boards in the layout described earlier.
glued and screwed the stretchers to the box

i laid out the axle position on the stretchers, and contemplated materials for the wheel.
considered gluing some pallet wood together and making a wheel of it.
instead, i had a small hunk of a leftover 2"x10" x 12" long , waiting to be utilized for something!
i laid out the center of the 2x10 and scribed a 9-1/2" circle to be cut out on the bandsaw.

after bandsaw cutting, a lathe drive screw was installed and i further refined the wheel to 9" diameter.


sanding was simple from the mounted position


i selected a piece of dry birch branch from a tree in my backyard that dropped in last year.

i turned a 3/4" x 10" axle, relieving the center for wheel clearance

i installed the axle and crossdrilled it to 3/16" for dowels to keep the wheel tracking correctly

IMG_5275.jpg IMG_5274.jpg

i drilled the stretchers and axle interface with blind 3/16" holes , added some dowels to keep the axle from shifting.

continued below......
i cut some 2x3x10 pieces for the legs and beveled them to match the angle of the ground
attached them to the box and stretchers
IMG_5277.jpg IMG_5278.jpg

i rolled it out and set a couple plants in there for looks


attached are some drawings...

wheelbarrow box.jpgwheelbarrow axle and wheel.jpg
wheelbarrow stretchers and legs.jpg

As always thanks for reading!
I made a smaller wheelbarrow planter last weekend
here's the pix!


26" long x 10" high x 10 wide