When you head out to the shop ... ?


Addlepated tinkerer
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2021
How often do you head out to the shop with a plan on what you are going to do, verses going out to the shop and then deciding what you're going to work on?

My shop is easily heated and cooled, has a beverage fridge, good network connectivity, etc. In other words, it is a fairly comfortable place to be. I'd guess it is about 50/50 for me, time I spend in the shop with a plan on what to work on, verses heading out to the shop to see what I feel like doing. Maybe the later, heading out to the shop to see what I get into, is the definition of a "hobby" shop?
I nearly always have a plan. But I would say I’m about 50/50 on working on what I thought I would. My shop is small, and about 4 steps from the kitchen, and 15 steps to the couch. Lol
I generally head out to the shop with an objective, but tend to be easily distracted by shiny objects, squirrels also. No matter what I end up doing I generally get something accomplished, and have a good time. Mike
While it might be 50/50, it tends to change in spurts. When I am working on a project, almost 100% of my shoptime is deliberate and geared toward the project. This could go on for days, weeks, or even months. Once I complete the project or back-burner it. then I might go days/weeks or months where almost all of my shop time is just going to to the shop to see what I come up with or to just hang out.
Sometimes I don't feel like working on the current project, so I'll work on whatever I want. That's what's nice about a hobby, you do what you want. If I have paid work, it gets done as quickly as possible. If a project is going real well, I'll get it done. If it's giving me problems, I might put it down for a break. It all depends on how I feel. I like to enjoy what I am doing, and if I am not enjoying it, I look for other things.
The shop is where I spend the best hours of my free time. By best hours, I mean before my body starts hurting or my eyes get tired. I don't have anywhere to sit in my shop, no sofa, no recliner, no chair, so once the aches and pains start, I head for the house. I'm also in the 50/50 club, sometimes I go out there to find something to do, finish a side project or clean up. Else it's focused work toward a current project. It's my space, my cave, my fortress. If I had a shower and a crapper out there, I'd only come out for meals, if only I had a place to sit (not counting the hypothetical porcelain chair).