Why did they do this?


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 5, 2010
I picked up a pair of Atlas horizontal mills a couple of months ago. I'm now in the process of restoring them. As I was tearing down the vises I noticed that someone had drilled and tapped the fixed jaw and placed square nuts on the set screws. IMG_20180518_112028.jpgAnybody know why the owner would have made such a modification?

WAG = Either a fix for a broken jaw or an attempt to prevent same.
The fixed jaw doesn't look all that beefy in the photos provided.
Remove the nuts and setscrews and see if the jaw falls off.
Does it look like there's a crack or something at the base of the fixed jaw? So they were trying to patch the jaw back on? Most of the nuts on my old Atlas 7b are square. The fix looks old too.
I have not idea but I do notice that there appears to be a gap between the casting and jaw. What's up with that? Here is a picture of mine: IMG_0770.JPG
Disassemble it for a good cleaning & inspection. If it's for a repair, it will become obvious. If still a mystery, special jig becomes the answer. Either way it needs attention.
I have not idea but I do notice that there appears to be a gap between the casting and jaw. What's up with that?

Yeah it looks like there are two pockets milled into the back of the jaw, centered on the pairs of nuts. Really looks like it was modified to run a special part.
Save and enlarge the second drawing and it appears to have a major crack on the same level as the bottom working surface of the vise!
If that's a big crack or break in the vise it'll mean some real machining and repairs. If it would or could be trusted again.